Nawtesy - A VRChat Avatar (PC + Quest)
Introducing Nawtesy
The cutest edgy knife-wielding wolf girl you've ever seen.
Join the Discord to use Nawtesy's emotes, enter Giveaways and More!
Clothing and Accessory Options
Nawtesy has a ton of unique looks that can all be changed on the fly in the game, from individually toggleable white alternate clothing versions to individually toggleable accessories.
- Two Tops, A Partial Hoodie and Tank Top
- One Bottom, a pair of Shorts
- 13 individually toggleable accessories
Nawtesy's Clothing, Accessories, and Dissolves
Toys, features, and more toys.
She's got a ton of adorable matching toys that are all so much fun to play with. Everything listed below is tied to the main hue shift that controls the avatar (besides the marker, that has it's own slider).
- A Custom Flying Knife which is attached to the hip, can be held in your hand, or flown around
- A Moon Spring Joint with a left, right and center mode
- Bone Toy for both the left and right hand, able to be extended
- Body Trails trails that are great for dancing
- Marker System that includes a color changer, a size slider, the ability to swap hands, and the ability to attach whatever is drawn to either hands or the entire avatar
Nawtesy's Toys
Avatar Stylization
Nawtesy has a lot of customization to give her the unique look you desire, and all of it is dynamically adjustable on the fly in game.
- Hair Color menu - 5 Colors to choose from! White hair with colored highlights, black hair with colored highlights, white hair, black hair, and white hair with black tips
- Clothing menu - Individual black and white toggles for the partial hoodie, crop top, shorts, Socks, Arm Warmer, and a toggle for the rest of the accessories
- Hue shift and Rainbow mode for all colors, with an independent slider for the eyes
- Midnight mode toggle which fades her into pitch-black
- Synced Rainbow Mode with 3 speed options
Nawtesy's Hair Stylization
Combinable Facial Expressions
She also has super cute facial expressions, with each one of them including unique ear movement.
- 7 default expressions, all able to be combined with others
Nawtesy's Cute Expressions
Full and Quest Compatible Versions
Wanting to use Nawtesy on Quest without a link cable? She's got a Quest package just for you. It's been optimized and altered to fit within the confines of VRChat's acceptable limits and it's ready to go.
Nawtesy's PC and Quest Versions
The best part? The Quest version keeps a significant amount of features like hue shift, ambidextrous markers, hair stylization and more. Want to see exactly whats on each version? Check it out at the bottom of this page:
Face- Godfall#4040
Body - Pandaabear#9873 (Modified by me)
Body texture - Uni#1369
Hair - Midnight Max™#5181 & Onion#1515 (Heavily modified by me)
Knife - Siren#1001 (Edited by me)
Spring Joint System - Cam#1959
RCE - Alc#0002
Locomotion fix - WetCat#6969
All meshes and textures have been edited by me
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VRChat Avatar Model Cat Girl Neko Wolf Kitsune Fox Kitty Anime Female eGirl Cute Cozy Comfy Dance Dancing Virtual Reality VR 3D Model
Includes: Nawtesy Unity Package and Nawtesy Quest Unity Package with an easy to use scene that is ready for upload